
The very purpose and nature of our product contribute to making the world healthier and more sustainable for everyone. However, we believe in the importance of ensuring that our production practices also have the less impact on the environment and are more sustainable within our surroundings.

Photovoltaic energy

We have a 100 kW solar panel installation that allows us to take advantage of this abundant resource in our area. Because of them, we produce more than 60€ of our consumption.

Integrated pest management

The entire perimeter of our facilities hosts reservoir plants for beneficial insect species contributing to 'integrated pest management'. The reservoirs increase the number of these living beings, which are natural predators of other species harmful to plants such us; aphids, whiteflies, thrips, spiders, or cochineal. This measure allows us to reduce the use of phytosanitary products so that our production is more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Water recycling

Our facilities were designed with a slope; allowing water not absorbed by the pot to flow towards a channel for storing the excess in a reservoir. This water is subsequently desinfected with chlorine to eliminate possible pathogens and turn it into perfectly usable water for our plants.

Electric vehicles

We were the first ornamental plant company worldwide to incorporate Segways as a means of transportation for our staff. We have a significant fleet of 21 of these vehicles.